Meet the winemaker from the brand new Montgomery Vineyard Saturday 9th December 7-8pm. A very promising enterprise, Woody and Gemma Lennard are serious about making their mark on the Welsh wine scene with this impressive white that has been commended in the International Wine Challenge and awarded Bronze in the Welsh Wine Awards - and it's only the first vintage!
Mae gwinwr newydd o Gymru yn gwneud ei farc yn barod. Mae Woody a Gemma Lennard wedi ennill gwobrwyon gyda'i gwin yn barod gyda'r gwinaeaf cyntaf! Cafod y Solaris efydd yn y Gwobrau Gwin Cymru ac mae cydnabyddiaeth yn y gystadleuaeth rhyngwladol hefy. Dewch draw nos fory!
Come along to say hello and taste the Red as well - a short but interesting event. £5 to include a glass of fizz!
Dewch i flasu gwin newydd o Gymru. Digwyddiad byr o 7-8yh. £5 yn cynnwys gwydred o fyrlymus.